Want to CE mark your medical hardware device?

Why Formly

Cover All of Your EU Requirements

We build you a roadmap that walks you through every one of your devices requirements so you have peace of mind.

Unique product? No problem

Sterilized devices, active electronics, 3D printed devices - we support them all

No Wasted Time, No Headaches

Knowing your specific manufacturing and testing requirements lets you save time and resources by building a complaint product from day 1

The Fastest Way to Market

Create your documentation at 10x the speed of traditional options with our intuitive AI-powered software
Trusted by next-gen companies.

Why we are different

We are founders building solutions for founders. Our approach stands out - expert guidance and intuitive software to build and certify your device with unprecedented speed and clarity

The most revolutionary

We have an unbeatable combo: a team of premier regulatory experts paired with a revolutionary AI-powered software.

The most tech-forward

We leverage the most advanced LLMs and eQMS tools so that your quality and regulatory lifecycle is a works for you, not the opposite.

The most startup friendly

We are the last regulatory resource you’ll need. We have helped a ton of company’s devices across the finish line and as your needs evolve, we’ve got you covered.

What our customers are saying

Loved it to

Philip Piroth

Our package with Formly is exactly what we wanted and what we needed — no BS, no fluff. Formly's services are straight to the point and the team is so pleasant to work with. As a small business and a startup, that’s what you really need.

Anina Langhans
Co-Founder & Product Lead LipoCheck

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can my product be Class I now and then be Class IIA later?
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How long does it take to get my CE mark?
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It depends on your medical device. Class III devices have more extensive regulatory requirements than Class I devices and often take longer to prepare for market entry. Also, notified body audits often take anywhere from 3-12 months to occur. As such, Class I software medical devices can take as little as days to months and Class IIA hardware medical devices can take months to years.

I don't know anything about medical device regulations. Is Formly right for me?
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Yes! Formly’s software is built for everyone. If you are unfamiliar with the medical device regulations or wishing to improve your workflow efficiency to get CE marked faster and easier, our software can help. Our Document Autopilot generates MDR compliant documents for you and built in descriptions and video walk-throughs guide you through the rest.

What is a CE mark and why is it important for my business?
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CE is an abbreviation of "conformité européenne" which equates to European conformity. CE marking indicates that a product has been assessed and deemed to meet EU safety, health and environmental protection requirements. It is required for products manufactured anywhere in the world that are then marketed in the EU. CE marking is especially important for medical devices which must meet a high regulatory standard before being allowed on the market.

When should I start to work on certification? Can I start too early on this?
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You can’t be too early but you can be late. Once you understand what product you want to build, you can start your certification journey. The regulatory processes and records created while preparing for your CE mark integrate with product design, development, and testing. By starting your certification procedures early, you integrate quality processes into your workflow and avoid having to repeat steps down the road.

When will medical devices be subject to the AI Act rules?
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  • If your device does not abide by the ethical code for AI from Article 5, it will be banned in September 2024.
  • If your device is to be used for biometrics, law enforcement, education, or infrastructure (see Annex III) the AI Act rules will apply as of March 2026. 
  • If your device is a high-risk medical device that abides by the ethical code and will not be used for any of the purposes listed in Annex III, AI Act rules will apply in March 2027.